Editorial Policies
Peer Review Policy
Reviews are an important part of the publication process that can improve the quality of articles published in Chemistry and Materials. During the initial review, an editor evaluates submitted manuscripts to decide whether they meet the journal's standards for eligibility for the peer review process. Manuscripts that fail to meet these criteria will be rejected without proceeding to peer review. Those meet the editorial requirements will advance to the peer review stage, which follows a single-blind review model. Two independent reviewers will typically conduct the peer review process. Reviewers are selected based on their expertise in the subject area of the manuscript.
Reviewers have various expertise and technical perspective and may have different recommendation for a specific paper. The editor will make the best decision based on the reviewers’ conflicting recommendation and will use the most informative report and recommendation related to the strength of the author’s arguments. The editor may also consider other information when making a final decision.
The purpose of the peer review process is to encourage authors to strengthen the content of their articles to ensure that they are worthy of publication. As much as possible, negative reviews will explain to authors the primary weaknesses of their articles so that rejected authors can understand the basis reason for the rejection and the action they should to improve their manuscript for publication with other journals.
During the peer review process, we ask the reviewer to respond promptly within two weeks. If a reviewer anticipates a delay, he or she should notify us so that we can inform the author and select alternatives if required.
We do not identify the the reviewers during the peer review process, but editors and reviewers can find out the author(s) of the manuscript being reviewed.
Publishing Schedule
The Chemistry and Materials journal publishes three issues in one volume, which are expected to be published in February, June, and October of each year.
Digital Archiving
This journal employs the Indonesia One Search (IOS) and the Garuda system to establish a distributed archiving framework among participating libraries. This infrastructure facilitates the creation of permanent archival records of the journal within these libraries, thereby serving the dual purposes of preservation and restoration.
Open Access Policy
The Center for Science Innovation publishes under an open access license, which provides the following benefits:
- Everyone has free and unlimited access to articles in Chemistry and Materials.
- Authors may reuse and distribute published materials, even for commercial purposes, if they correctly cite the original publication.
- Various institutes and research funding agencies support open access publication by paying article processing charges (APCs) for accepted articles.
Authors may reuse all or part of the articles that The Center for Science Innovation publishes without special permission. This includes images, tables, data, and text. Authors may reuse any part of an article published under the CC BY open access license without permission if they correctly cite the original publication.
Advantages of open access
Publishing open access articles provides many benefit, including the following:
- Increased citation and usage. Open access increases the citation and usage of an article because people can freely access or download the article without paying a subscription fee. People are also more likely to search for articles published in open access journals in search engines and indexing databases.
- Increased interdisciplinary conversation. Greater visibility readership and encourages researchers to connect with each other.
- Wider collaboration. Open access publications enable researchers to promote collaborative research on a global scale.
- Greater impact. Permissive licenses, such as CC BY, offer more opportunities to reuse and develop research. Using the CC BY license, individuals and institutions can freely distribute, adapt, and develop work even for commercial purposes, if they correctly cite the original work.
- Faster publication. Articles accepted in Chemistry and Materials are usually available online, so they are published more quickly than articles in traditional print or subscription-based journals.
Creative Commons licenses standardize the method under copyright law to give permission to the public to use the creative work of others. The application of a Creative Commons license for copyrighted work answers the following question for users, “How can I use this work?”.
All articles in the Chemistry and Materials journal are published under a CC BY license (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License). This license allows individuals and institutions to freely distribute, rearrange, adapt, and develop the material in any medium or format, even for commercial purposes, if they properly cite the original work.
Note: Some articles, particularly reviews, may contain figures, tables, data, or text taken from other publications, for which The Center for Science Innovation does not hold the copyright or the right to re-license the published material. Consequently, authors should contact the original copyright holder (usually the publisher of the original work) to determine if this material can be reused. Authors should only use information that can be reused.
The Center for Science Innovation uses copyright to protect the content published in its journals. A copyright is a legal right that protects certain types of original creative works, including academic articles. A copyright allows the creator of a work to decide whether it is permissible for others to use, publish, distribute, or develop his or her work and under what conditions. Understanding the right of a copyright holder is important for open access publishing.
Articles published by The Center for Science Innovation are licensed under a CC BY (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License). This ensures that an author retains the right to be credited and cited as the author of the work, and it also gives individuals and institutions the right to distribute, adapt, and develop the work.